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Looking for Small women's cruiser 15" or 17" for my little sis

Hi guys,

My mom contacted me about helping find my little sister a bike in pgh (which is a bit difficult as I live in nyc now) but I thought I'd post and see if anyone had anything neat for her.

I get the gist that she's looking to spend as little as possible in case my sister will never ride it. (She's 17) But hopefully we can find her something nifty she will like.

A cruiser would probably be best, because sitting upright is probably a big plus for her. She's about 5"2 so 15" or 17" if there is anything.

I will do my best to check back here, but if you have any ideas you can email me too:

Thanks so much! I hope you're all having a great summer riding in PGH, I miss it!

2012-06-27 14:39:02

Thick on the southside has a pretty good selection of used bikes as well as some nice new little step through comfort type bikes in the $300-500 range. I just got one for my mom last month and she loves it. My mom is 5'0" and they still had a few options for her in stock.

2012-06-27 20:31:38