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Major Taylor newsclipping scrapbooks digitized

Hi all, At work we have recently digitized some previously-microfilmed scrapbooks of news clippings documenting Marshall W. "Major" Taylor. I thought a bunch of you here would be interested! The clippings run from 1897-1904. There are six scrapbooks and they are each available as PDF files. You can access them and read about the collection here:;rgn=main;view=text;didno=US-PPiU-ais198407 Scroll to the bottom for the digitized content links. FYI, we've found that Firefox's built-in PDF viewer has a really hard time rendering PDFs from scanned images; you're better off using Chrome or just downloading them. Also, if you're on a mobile device, be aware these are really big PDFs -- like in the 100-300MB range. And finally, the images are from microfilm created in the 1980's so the image quality varies. Still, I've never seen this much content on Major Taylor (and cycling events around 1900) gathered together before. Hope you enjoy.
2013-10-08 13:41:08
2013-10-08 15:19:31
That is very cool! Thanks for doing it and posting up here.
2013-10-08 15:28:51
Yes, very cool, abrenner. I'm assuming it's okay if I add your links to the Pittsburgh Major Taylor website? I'm their web designer.
2013-10-08 17:05:18
TeamDecaf wrote:Yes, very cool, abrenner. I’m assuming it’s okay if I add your links to the Pittsburgh Major Taylor website? I’m their web designer.
Yeah, feel free to link / share -- this is openly available to anyone.
2013-10-09 08:47:49
TeamDecaf wrote:Yes, very cool, abrenner. I’m assuming it’s okay if I add your links to the Pittsburgh Major Taylor website? I’m their web designer.
Ha, I've sent it to Bruce. :) Yesterday. I completely forgot that you are our webmaster.
2013-10-09 09:16:11
I've added the link to the Pittsburgh Major Taylor site: @abrenner - if you have anything you want to add delete, etc. feel free to PM me and make suggestions. And thanks again for letting us know about the collection.
2013-10-09 22:10:05