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mechanic assist

I'm trying to rebuild my bike, a new frame + a mix of old & new parts. Now I plan to have a shop press the headset, but I'd like to do the rest. But I really need to have someone oversee the whole thing.

Scott G. has left Pgh unfortunately. Does anyone know someone else who'd be willing to do this sort of thing? (Every few minutes I'm tempted to just drop it off at a shop and leave it at that).

2011-09-14 16:56:01

Also, Kraynick's... anything you aren't sure of you can ask someone; in particular, Gerry.

2011-09-14 18:04:00

I am of the mind that you should do the headset as well for the experience.

2011-09-14 18:09:04

Yes, I just installed my first headset about a week ago and it really wasn't bad at all (though I guess I should wait until I've ridden the bike a whole lot before I make that judgement).

2011-09-14 18:10:00

Agreed on Kraynick's. Gerry doesn't necessarily go out of his way to make you feel at ease, but he will answer pretty much any question you've got, and has every tool in the book, including a headset press. And on that note, I also agree you could do the headset yourself - it's really not very hard with the right tool.

2011-09-14 18:50:07

don't forget facing & reaming in addition to pressing :-)

2011-09-14 19:06:54

^^^ that.

Most new frames do not come properly prepped. Have a shop do that for you, the rest you could do at Kraynicks.

2011-09-14 20:56:28

I borrowed a buddy's bike stand, the headset came with cups already pressed, didn't notice until I unwrapped it.

So I am frame-saving tonight and then going over the Park & Zinn books for the 2nd time. Very nervous indeed...there are all those tips & tricks, dos & don'ts that if a mech was around could alert me.

Thanks for the feedback.

2011-09-14 23:34:38

cups already pressed? They get pressed into the frame

2011-09-15 01:19:02

"cups already pressed? They get pressed into the frame"

Yeah, that's what I meant, sorry that wasn't clear.

2011-09-15 11:48:09

I'm guessing then, that the race is already pressed onto the fork so you don't have much left to do.

2011-09-15 12:39:28