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Membership Volunteer Night Monday: January 24, 6:30pm

Thanks to everyone who came out last month! We got so much done!

Next Wednesday is our regularly occurring volunteer night where you can come to our office, meet other cyclists, brainstorm about future plans and plots, all while helping your friendly bike advocacy group take care of some routine business.

6:30 pm on Wednesday, December 15th.

3410 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, 15201 (Come in the rear entrance off 34th St)

We’ll provide some food and materials, you provide the hands and conversation.

Want to get notified of volunteer opportunities in your inbox? Sign up to volunteer on this very same website:

Want your volunteer time to count towards your membership? Register for our barter / volunteer membership at

(You don't NEED to RSVP, but it's really helpful to plan for space and the amount of food to order)

2010-12-08 18:14:46


Tomorrow night we'll have food and BEER!

2010-12-14 19:55:37

Thanks to all the fellas who showed up last night for my first all dude volunteer night. Also my first volunteer night being serenaded by Iron Maiden! Pretty awesome.

Everyone who is up for a renewal will get some lovely letters with Simpsons stamps!

2010-12-16 15:03:54

This was fun, and we seemingly got a lot of stuff done. Hope I can make the next one.

2010-12-16 20:05:38

Will there be a volunteer night this week coming up? I am looking to rack up some hours

2010-12-16 23:43:16

you just love iron maiden, huh?

2010-12-17 05:09:13

There won't be another volunteer night until January, but then we're going to have lots more volunteer times during the winter to prepare for the upcoming season of delicious warm riding.

I'll have the schedule up on the volunteer page shortly.

2010-12-17 15:07:35

Awesome ty.

Come for the Iron maiden, Stay for the volunteering.

2010-12-17 15:19:13

Have I misunderstood the lure of Iron Maiden all along?

2010-12-17 15:29:36

Monday we are having our January volunteer night.

Come on out if you want to help Bike Pittsburgh do our thing.

6:30 pm on Monday, January 24th

3410 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, 15201 (Come in the rear entrance off 34th St)

2011-01-21 20:41:58

I may be able to make it now that I don't work super early during the week anymore!

I'd make cookies or something to bring, but I'm broke. I'll still make good on that idea someday though!

2011-01-21 22:25:06

bump. tonight!

2011-01-24 18:44:24

it was so much pun!

2011-01-25 11:43:06