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Monday 09/05/2011: Non-laborious ride to the south

Feels like a nice day for a (mostly) flat trip down to the Monongahela Sheetz and back.

Roughly 65 miles, less than 2000' of climbing, and plenty of post-industrial wreckage at which to gawk.

10 AM, bike rental on the Jail Trail. RSVPs via PM or email (dan.blumenfeld gmail) are appreciated.

2011-08-29 22:54:40

(You know you have a cycling problem when... the Monongahela Sheetz ranks as a destination.)

2011-08-29 23:30:53

Yes, people should do this ride! Thanks Dan for organizing.

2011-08-29 23:58:54

Hey, it's a very nice Sheetz!

2011-08-29 23:59:47

I'm pretty sure that 99% of randonneurs have a Sheetz fetish.

2011-08-30 00:07:18

Just fyi. I just invited other triathletes. This will be better than Shakes the Clown vs the mimes.

2011-08-30 00:20:56

Jail, industrial wreckage, and the Mon Sheetz. Does it get any better?!?

Ok. The Gauntlet has been thrown. I bet I can put together a uber scenic 200K in my neck of the woods that doesn't include any of those. Ok, it will include a Sheetz, but not the Mon Sheetz.

It's like the proverbial tree in the woods, if you ride a 200K and nobody else shows up, did it actually happen?

2011-08-30 00:46:35

@tomh: Ah, but will you attract an adoring train of tri-dork groupies to your central PA 200K?

2011-08-30 00:54:20

Tri dorks typically care little for scenery. At least scenes above contact patch level, that is. But I love tri dorks nonetheless. One of my best friends is a tri-dork.

Note to self: stop using the term tri-dork.

2011-08-30 01:01:34

95% sure I'll be there

2011-08-30 01:04:36

The bike leg of an iron distance race is 112 miles so a 200k is a perfect training ride. We'll be the ones changing into our running shoes afterwards.

And I rest my case that randos can't stay away from Sheetz.

2011-08-30 03:22:06

Guilty as charged, WRT Sheetz anyway.

Personally, I prefer to just put my feet up, after the second 200K of the day. But I shan't criticize those who stop halfway to go jogging instead. :-)

2011-08-30 15:50:52

I'm loling bc I posted a link to this forum page when I posted about this ride in the tri club forum. So if they do bother to come here they'll be called dorks and have to read through posts of Dan and I teasing each other. haha! :)

**Attention triathletes: we are just kidding. You will be welcomed here. Dan can ride much farther than any of us on a fully loaded recumbent bike with a coffee cup in the bottle holder. We must deal with this fact. It's not an easy thing to do, I know.**

2011-08-30 18:37:37


**Attention, triathletes. The only people in this thread who have used the term tri-dork ride recliners, so consider the source before taking offense.**

2011-08-30 18:45:20

On the other hand, those of us that are true dorks are appalled by the insinuation that athletic, adventuresome types might be associated with us.

Just sayin'.

*goes back to playing with HP calculator*

2011-08-30 19:01:16

top for tomorrow.

I am out if it's going to rain all day. But hopefully it'll just be overcast.

All paved, no crushed limestone -- right Dan?

2011-09-04 09:44:31

I might want to go on this.

2011-09-04 14:53:44

Forecast as of more-or-less now is saying that showers tomorrow are mostly expected to be in the morning...figure we'll play it by ear, but as things stand now I intend to be at the ride start regardless. An abort to "sodden coffee cruise" is always a possibility.

[ETA:] And yes, it's expected to be pretty much all paved. Wet limestone is de Debil.

2011-09-05 01:17:08

Looks like I'll be able to make it. See you guys there.

2011-09-05 02:57:10

Given the current and forecasted weather, I'm gonna call this one off. Apologies for the late notice...I was being unwarrantedly optimistic that the weather wouldn't turn to poop.

2011-09-05 13:22:19

I went for my own soggy 33 miles in the rain. Was about 31 too many.

2011-09-06 00:36:09