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Motorist rolling through a stop sign while texting 4.9.12. Helmet cam vid.

Oblivious motorist at 34th & Ligonier this morning rolls through his stop sign, head down, reading or sending a text (video link). There's a sign on his side of the intersection stating that "cross traffic does not stop" or something to that effect.

Crackberry in hand:

PA plate xxD-5574:

2012-04-09 16:43:47

Wow what a turd. I want a helmet cam but I also think I might make myself crazy because of all the bad driving I see.

And speaking of bad driving the other morning I came out of my house to get my mail and there was a guy driving by drinking a beer. I live on a small alley road so he was only feet from me and I got a good view of the can of Budweiser in his hand.

2012-04-09 18:36:29

Nothing like a refreshing Bud in the morning to start the day!

2012-04-09 18:53:36

If I had some decent video editing software I would seriously consider compiling footage of drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians breaking the law in Pittsburgh. I see stuff in the OP multiple times per ride.

2012-04-09 21:27:08