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My first buzz...

I got buzzed today for the first time. I was headed outbound on Forbes, past the DU campus. I was looking to make a left on Washington Place, so signaled and headed into the left lane just before the exit entrance/exit to the Armstrong Tunnel. 10 seconds later, some dude in a white van hits the horn and then passes me on ON THE RIGHT (sharing the left lane with me). Oh, and then 20 yards further on, he runs the red light at Washington Place. It was an interesting 50 yards or so. Fortunately, the rest of the ride was uneventful. I love it when I watch multiple bikes wind through Bellevue headed inbound in the morning.
2013-06-24 12:16:30
Sorry you had to go through this. It sucks. I hope your first is also your last!
2013-06-24 13:02:40
I too hope you don't encounter more of this stupidity. I've seen the same pattern, that those who pass me too close and/or at needlessly high relative speed often go on to do some other dangerous maneuver within the next few seconds. I wonder if there's any way to get this bumper sticker on the panniers?
2013-06-24 13:36:51
From the title I thought this was a story about camping with Mick. Nevermind.... (Also, sorry this happened Sara) :-(
2013-06-24 19:11:29
byogman wrote:I wonder if there’s any way to get this bumper sticker on the panniers?
Pretty sure if you sliced off the wide side margins it'd fit just fine, at least on my ortliebs. At any rate, despite how much I hate woodchucks, I'd be happy to be the guinea pig...
2013-06-25 09:42:53
Sucks. If drivers want to use the roads they should really have to follow the rules the same as everyone else.
2013-06-25 09:49:03
buffalo buffalo wrote:At any rate, despite how much I hate woodchucks, I’d be happy to be the guinea pig…
go fer it!
2013-06-25 10:03:06
not my first buzz, but probably my worst: wednesday 26 june 2013 @ 11:15am (today) license plate: dde-0520 cherry red sedan, chevy or some other american make very old white man driving there were some construction cones on greenfield rd heading northbound between overlook drive and panther hollow road. i was in the bike lane. this person buzzed me within inches (!!!) of my handlebar and then proceeded to plow over a few cones. he also made a right turn with his left blinker on. a jogger witnessed this and said that he knew the man, and that he should not be on the road -- that they should have taken his license away a long time ago. i think this is further evidence. should i 911 this? i dont have the name of the witness or video of the event
2013-06-26 12:49:08
I hate to think like this, but with an aging parent I'm forced too.... Between the behavior and the statement from the witness, you may be dealing with some one with dementia who has wandered off. So, you might want to report it. The cops would know if there is a missing person report for the same individual.
2013-06-26 13:11:18
I would. Should be logged officially somehow. But without video, strongly guessing nothing will follow on from it unless they've got a number of other reports about this license plate and then only a very faint maybe. Woodchuck? Gopher? No! Scene is one of many death wishes of the protagonist (Bill Murray) in Groundhog Day, and the rodent in question is none other than Punxsutawney Phil. Advice applies slightly more broadly, however.
2013-06-26 13:14:55
Definitely report anything like this. It can't hurt. Maybe since they plowed down construction cones too, not just narrowly missing you, something will be done.
2013-06-26 13:49:18
byogman wrote:Woodchuck? Gopher? No! Scene is one of many death wishes of the protagonist (Bill Murray) in Groundhog Day, and the rodent in question is none other than Punxsutawney Phil.
FYI, woodchucks, groundhogs and whistle pigs are all the same animal.
2013-06-26 22:14:40
Marmots, too. And I just found this out, occasionally referred to as "land beavers". LMAO
2013-06-27 05:43:43
"Whistle pigs?"
2013-06-27 07:19:30
"whistle-pig" is pennsyltucky for "groundhog". i learned this working at seven springs last summer.
2013-06-27 09:17:31
We should have a competition for the most creative origin story for the term "whistle-pig".
2013-06-27 09:44:52
I'm always amused by how much of a threat they think I am when I ride by. Ooh, there's a bike! Run for the hole! Meanwhile, cars kill 'em every day and they take no notice. What do we have to do to knock some sense into these creatures. They're like small four-legged Dorothy Rabinowitz's, afraid of bikes.
2013-06-27 10:23:19
I have run one over twice now- first time the front wheel missed, but it went under the rear. Second time that was reversed. I believe the eastern "groundhog" is a distinct species from the western mountain"Marmot", although both are of the same genus "Marmota."
2013-06-28 13:46:14
so today i learned that the nickname whistlepig comes from the loud whistle/chirp alert they sound when they are in danger.
2013-06-28 17:21:04
Apparently not for Helen S.
2013-06-28 17:55:28