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Oakland CRASH 10/23: Looking for a "Derrick"

I was riding home from work a week ago (friday afternoon) and when I made the turn up Neville, a car first hit my front wheel and then hit my head. The guy named, Derrick, stopped and asked if I was okay and insisted he walk me and my bike home (I live a couple houses away from the crash). I was in shock and didn't realize I had actually gotten hurt or wasn't okay. I knew my bike was messed up, but I was too concerned for if the driver was okay (he was really traumatized that he hit a cyclist) and that I was okay. He didn't give me any of his information and it turns out I actually had a concussion and now have post-concussive syndrome. I am having difficulty thinking without getting dizzy and nauseous along with other symptoms. It has caused me to not be able to attend classes all week.

I am trying to find Derrick. He seemed to be around 30 years old with dark hair and an eyebrow piercing. I believe he lives in Pittsburgh and seemed like a nice guy, despite the crash. I know he also rides bikes. If you are Derrick or know anyone who fits this description, I would like to find him. This means a lot to me if anyone knows him or how I may go about finding him. There were about 6 people on Neville sitting on their front porch who witnessed the crash as well.

Thank you.


2009-10-30 06:40:55

my brother got hit the same place without a helmet and probably would have walked away fine had he been wearing one too, it's a bummer to still be hearing these stories.

I would put signs up there to start off (if you haven't already) and get a lawyer if you're trying to get medical bills paid for (i recommend marc reisman, who i've used twice, his number is in an ad on the front page of and he'll try to get some statements from people at the houses around the accident.

good luck.

2009-10-30 15:30:47

Julie, I actually already copied your post from Craigs list missing connection. I put it in the middle of the thread "Times when you are behind the wheel and nearly hit a cyclist."

I hope you recover soon.


2009-10-30 15:41:15

get well soon, julie. the almost exact scenario happened to me last week. starting to feel a little more normal and hopefully you will too!

2009-10-30 19:53:39

good luck, get well soon!

if you need any anything, advice or whatnot, don't be afraid to ask

2009-10-30 20:48:28