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Went to an awards ceremony last night for architects at the August Wilson Center, and saw bikeygirls name on the team for one of the award winners so, woohoo! to you! Didn't see bg though.

So, out of a crowd of about 200 mainly composed of old white dudes in various stages of deterioration, I think I spotted 3 or 4 youngish women arriving by bike, maybe one 30ish dude. I rode over on my foldy, and I'm in the oldish deteriorating dude category. I think the women are winning this thing.

2010-10-28 18:10:31

You just described all of the engineering functions I go to. All old white guys, few youngins even fewer women.

2010-10-28 20:45:16


Sorry for the double post. I saw bumper bike as I was typing and had to tweet about it...

2010-10-28 20:48:40

That's excusable.

2010-10-28 21:18:41

actually edmonds I think it sounds like you're winning. I mean if you are the only 1 out of 200 "older dudes in stages of deterioration". that statement made me lol.

2010-10-29 03:38:39

Thks! I'll take it!

2010-10-29 11:00:41

Engineering functions aside, it sounds like every engineering job I had or every engineering meeting I have attended.

(granted I have become one of the old grayhairs so I guess im helping to continue the species.)

2010-10-29 14:03:15

Yeah Edmonds..... the project I worked on was awarded an "Honor Award" and a "Green Citation" at the AIA. I wasn't there though. Due to some logistics I couldn't go, plus, seriously..... I didn't think the project was going to win :D

Had I been there, I would have melted of embarrassment if called to the podium, and also would have arrived on my bike, high heel boots & all :D

2010-10-29 15:32:16

would have arrived on my bike, high heel boots & all :D

And that is why you're my hero

2010-10-29 15:42:33

It's a nice building, BG, well deserved.

I would have spoken to some of the women who had arrived by bike, like asking if they knew of BikePgh! or something, but due to the well earned reputation of deteriorating old architects, thought I'd better not.

2010-10-29 16:04:48

Thanks Edmonds! :D

I think I knew a couple of those bike-riding ladies.... you could have talked to them!

I really think that there are more women riding out-there than what it is perceived. The only difference is that we make less of a fuzz about why-when-how we ride...... (or at least except for me) ;)

Riding with high heel boots is tricky, but somehow I make it work when needed :)

2010-10-29 17:40:17