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Okay Helmet around Shadyside?


I am new here. I was wondering if you could recommend an Okay helmet I could found around Shadyside area. Any help is really appreciated.


2009-07-09 00:51:42

Roll over to Trek of Shadyside and get one. It's by Whole Foods.

2009-07-09 02:29:54

Thanks for the reply, mayhew. Do you know the price range? Thanks again.

2009-07-09 17:41:31

It looks like the cheapest one they have there is $30. If you shop around you might be able to find one for $5 or $10 less. No need to spend a ton of money on a helmet - the more expensive ones may be lighter but don't really protect you any better.

2009-07-09 17:56:24

If you can hoof it to Target (Waterfront, also one in Harmar), they have Schwinn helmets that are decent. I know I have one I bought from a different Target for my boyfriend to wear when he visits.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if Iron City in Oakland doesn't have them. Their prices are usually reasonable. You may want to call them to check, but they sell just about everything else.

2009-07-09 18:00:17

Dunno. You got some good responses though.

2009-07-09 19:58:07

I got a nice one from iron city for about 30 bucks. It was either the nice one, or some really crappy ones, but the guy took 5 bucks off the price because they didn't have many different types to choose from.

2009-07-09 20:07:10

Just a suggestion - a Bell-approved helmet has been tested well. I'd make sure it says Bell.

2009-07-09 20:38:05

You know, I started reading this thread thinking "I've never heard of Okay helmets before."

When considering helmet prices, also consider the purpose they serve. A quote that's always stuck with me: if you have a $5 head, get a $5 helmet.

That said, something like the Bell Metro is a good choice--not very expensive, and extremely durable.

2009-07-09 20:47:55

I'm known for my ability to find a good deal, but when I was shopping for a helmet it dawned on me that this chunk of plastic and foam is protecting MY BRAIN. Maybe I should spend a few bucks on it.

2009-07-09 21:51:19

Some stuff, you just don't buy on price. I wouldn't spend a three-digit sum a couple times over, but hell, dropping 40 bucks so you don't have several grand in medical bills? Don't sweat it. Just ride the bike a couple more times instead of driving and there's your dozen-bucks difference.

2009-07-09 22:41:34

Once you get above the $50 range you are just paying for better ventilation/ less weight. I have been pleased with my $30 bell helmet.

2009-07-10 01:42:55

+1 for the Bell Metro. Been happy with mine for 3 years now.

2009-07-10 02:03:41

All helmets sold in the US adhere to the same safety standards. The differences are in comfort and fit.

2009-07-10 02:53:32

what mayhew said. also, if you don't want to take my word for it, at least consider that of grant peterson: "buy the cheapest helmet that fits well."

and when he's telling you not to spend money, it really makes you wonder.

2009-07-10 03:18:37

Since most helmets are made of the same foam, and cheaper ones are thicker and have fewer gaps (and hence a bit hotter), cheaper ones may well protect you better.

By the way, Bell is a brand. There is a testing group called Snell, though.

2009-07-10 03:27:02

i <3 protec helmets

2009-07-10 04:17:46

When I first started riding bikes I used a skate helmet (because it was all I had). They feel kind of nice on your head but it gets way too hot in warm weather.

2009-07-10 04:30:20

They all adhere to the same base safety standards, but some helmets offer more protection than others.

2009-07-10 05:34:04

at least consider that of grant peterson: "buy the cheapest helmet that fits well."

Worth noting I've never seen a photo of Mr. Petersen with a helmet on his head. I'm just sayin'.

2009-07-10 10:35:16


Bell and Gyro are both made by Easton. The bell metro is good, the Gyro Transfer is what I have and its pretty much the same.. No need to spend more than 30 or 40. Like the previous poster said, if you go to Target, you can get a decent helmet for 15-20$ too. Just may not be quite as ventilated or easy to adjust, but still protects your noggin.

2009-07-10 13:14:38

I think fit is much more important than price. I see people riding around everyday with ill-fitting (adjusted) helmets.

2009-07-11 08:02:07

I have a Cinelli leather hairnet (white, patent leather) in nearly new shape - anyone wants it - $50.

2009-07-14 13:48:36

I have a Cinelli leather hairnet (white, patent leather) in nearly new shape - anyone wants it - $50.

you should post that in the "Friday night at the Track" thread

2009-07-14 16:38:20

I just picked up a Giro Indicator which replace my worn out Bell Forza....I like the Giro alot more and it fits mcuh the adjustable rear gear wheel. Fits good an snug ...cost $45 at REI and very much owrht it...I agree the more expensive stuff=more vents...lighter weight.

2009-07-22 19:44:06

Also, don't spray DEET insect repellent on your helmet. Does ugly things to the plastic outer shell and makes you think, uh-oh, do I need to replace this now?

Or, instead, don't ride a tandem in places where the stoker gets disgusted by scores of flies resting (invisibly to you) on your helmet.

2009-07-22 21:23:22

Or, if you're going to ride in places with scores of flies (or gnats), convince your stoker to switch places. It's remarkable how much easier it is to breathe when you have someone in front of you inhaling all the bugs.

2009-07-22 22:49:21

Actually, the remarkable thing was how the flies (fairly big 'uns) were able to fly around nicely in the wake behind a cyclist while we tried to outrace them. Drafting, I suppose.

I could see the cloud of flies atop and behind cyclist M on the single. So the stoker (that was A, not M) truly had the worst of it. The gentle eddying air currents right behind me allowed the flies to land on my helmet and back, and swarm about in his face. Blech. It turns out it's the stoker who would do more of the inhaling.

The DEET worked its magic, but I think I should pick up a new Okay helmet.

2009-07-23 20:41:54

Hm. Which would I rather breathe while riding -- horseflies or DEET? I guess I'll stick with gnats, they go down quick.

2009-07-23 21:23:13