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Old Tandem for sale

On my way home from the dentist today I drove past a thrift store on Babcock Blvd (sorry I drove my car to the root canal).

They have an old tandem sitting outside for sale. I did not stop to look at the bike but it looked like a decent old Schwinn.

2010-12-21 22:26:14

Not to toot my own horn (and stupidity)... but I cycled to all (but one) of my root canals

You go under gas?

The worst was when I decided to cycle to having my wisdom teeth removed and then went to work! After the localized anesthetic wore off I went home...

Where abouts was this place? Bacbock Blvd thift store turns up a lot of hits all over the place

2010-12-21 22:52:48

The thrift store is very close to the intersection of Siebert and Babcock Blvd.

No gas, but I was in some pain. Cracked a tooth Sunday after the Steelers Game...doing snow angels in West park.

2010-12-21 23:35:08

colin asked me if i needed anything in the north hills since he was going to target. i think i am gonna call him and tell him that we need a tandem.

2010-12-21 23:37:21

I'm not sure but I think it was a Schwinn. It had two tone seats, had fenders, and was brown (rootbeer)

2010-12-21 23:49:43

That is the North Hills Community Thrift, and it is a hidden gem of thrift stores in Pittsburgh.

2010-12-21 23:51:07

awww we don't really have a way of transporting or storing a tandem right now. i do like that thrift store.

2010-12-21 23:54:18

Yeah, that place is only 15 minutes by bike from my house.

I picked up my Bike #3, a 3-speed Huffy, at that thrift shop. It had a $30 tag, I bargained them down to $20, then drove immediately to Scholl's in West View and bought $30 in lights for it.

I'd love to get a tandem, but I have so many wheels around the place already (remember the 5 unicycles), I don't know where I'd put it.

2010-12-22 00:16:48

Hmm, I'll be picking up my bike shortly. That would make some room for you, Stu!

2010-12-22 00:22:07

our living room has 5 bikes in it and i think there are at least another 3 in the basement.

2010-12-22 00:25:26

If it is actually a real schwinn and if its old it would be a great find. That would be a fun project to restore.

2010-12-22 00:27:06

I hear it is cursed, don't buy it.

2010-12-22 01:25:19

no, it's a magic christmas bicycle

2010-12-22 02:11:51

Tall tandem?

2010-12-22 02:49:30

After much deliberation, I decided that I am not crazy enough to try to ride a tall tandem. Though, that isn't why I'm interested in it.

2010-12-23 01:56:05

Has anybody given it a closer look?

2010-12-23 02:06:38

I wanted to, but I slept in today. I am going to try getting it tomorrow.

2010-12-23 02:17:15

Sweet, be sure to post photos.

2010-12-23 02:18:56

we are riding this to dc in two days, right?

2010-12-23 02:58:36

I could envision a tandem with a 3 person team with large BOB style trailer for one person to rest and make food. Pgh to DC in 24 hrs, and do it without putting a foot down, just for fun.

2010-12-23 15:28:13