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Only in Pitttsburgh

Basically, it's Pittsburgh-picture-of-the-day. I've had in my rss feed for a few months. Couple days ago I submitted some photos *which I took while out riding* and they put them up. Pretty cool.

But! if they take my pictures, they must be desperate! I know there are lots of photographers on this board, you all might be interested.

2009-05-27 13:34:57

i sent him photos and he didn't publish them :(

2009-05-27 15:13:44

i've been enjoying Father Pitt,

he just posts short stories about pittsburgh architecture and flowers

2009-05-27 15:46:42

Father Pitt is real good. I came across it last week for the first time. I love the architecture pictures.

2009-05-27 21:55:21

damn nathan, you got two in a row

2009-05-28 16:22:16

I am teh awesome.

I'd been intending for years to take a picture of that Whitaker Metal sign. It's so ruinous. It's right at the abandoned "road" which more or less leads to something like a trail heading upriver. I guess the McKeesport trail is supposed to start about there, or maybe a bit downriver, back under the bridge? From the Waterfront & the hot metal bridge?

Father Pitt is now on my list. You know all the good sites. I got Infrastructurist too.

2009-05-28 16:42:11

how we drive

2009-05-28 19:54:54

Hey Erok,

Sorry about not putting yours up--got caught up in other stuff! They'll be up on Monday!

Thanks for the support!

2009-05-29 14:50:54

Forgot to mention--if anyone else has pics they've taken when biking, please send them to submit AT onlyinpgh DOT com. I've posted ones I've taken myself as well as stuff other folks have sent it, and they've been great. Bikes can get shots of things that are hard to get on foot or by other means, and are a very unique way of documenting out city!

2009-05-29 15:59:53

ha! the internet...

2009-05-29 16:36:34

My wife has a similar site up at

I think she has some biking themed ones planned, although I'm not sure about that. She does a great job with the write-ups though.

No email for submission yet, but I'll suggest it to her. I bet she'll like the idea.

2009-05-31 03:02:11

You're up, Erok!

2009-06-01 14:48:51

awwww shucks

2009-06-01 14:55:57

Just wanted to let everyone know that we're running a new Photo Contest: "Oozing Pittsburgh"

Here's the contest details:

I'd love to see some awesome bike shots sent in!

2010-03-15 18:18:21

Thread Synergy: Please, Please, Please!!!111

Steevo posted the pic in the bumper bike thread, I just posterized, then applied the frame and text...

Please, Please, Please!!!111


2010-03-15 18:47:11

you could snag the above pic off my flickr site by clicking on the image for posting to your website, for now.

Pretty sure the original black and white psd is at home on one of my failed seagate drives... no response from steevo as to use or origin of this one.

2010-03-17 15:06:16

Along with the pic I'd need the name/pseudonym of the official submitter as well as why the image "oozes Pittsburgh" to them.

2010-03-17 21:24:34

Just wanted to let you know we just did a major redesign and refocus of our site:

Still feel free to send any photos to Also, I'd love to talk to someone about doing a profile on Bike-PGH and to start listing some of your events.


2010-06-01 16:05:26

We have a new photo contest up: What's your 2011 "Pittsburgh" resolution?

And what do we mean by a “Pittsburgh” resolution? Things like taking advantage of all the natural beauty in the region by biking, hiking, kayaking etc. Or pledging to buy a sandwich from every local sandwich shop in the city. Anything that is local, definable, and of course, somehow able to be represented in a photograph.

Send us a photo that shows your resolution for a chance to win! Check out the full contest guidelines here:

2011-01-14 19:27:29

Someone pleeeease get a photo of some bike tracks making their way through 7" of snow, in a recognizably Pgh scene.

2011-01-15 01:10:06

Dang...@Stu When I was forging across the Ft. Pitt bridge a few days ago, I was greeted by a set of tracks already laid by another crazy cyclist earlier in the day. So so good.

2011-01-15 15:01:18

I've been enjoying since just before BikeFest last summer - lots of good stuff. I recommend signing up for the email list for a quick list of interesting events in the burg.

I've also been wearing an onlyinpgh T-Shirt, randomly given to me by the site owner while I was at the I Made It Market Leslie Pool event during BikeFest.

2011-01-16 03:49:55

I'm in Toronto this weekend. Lotsa sad bikes locked up in downtown slushpiles . And... wow. I thought streetcar rails were bad enough, I never even thought about what they'd be like with 1/8" of slush on them.

2011-01-16 04:11:50

Thanks to the folks who've sent in bike-related submissions during the past few days and for the kind words in this thread. :)

Besides being an avid (if slightly newb) biker, I'm a huge fan of the BikePGH organization. The change in Pittsburgh's bike culture over the past few years has been nothing short of amazing, and we all have BikePGH and the awesome biking community to thank for it.

2011-01-16 14:51:59

We haven't had any bike-oriented picture submissions in a while. Send any good Pittsburgh bike shots along with the location to and we'll put them up!

2011-05-17 21:09:50