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OT: Don't go to the Carrie Furnace

...cause here's a nice virtual tour, from the Post Gazette.

2011-01-20 01:48:02


I was hoping you would have a specific time where some people could join eachotehr to not visit Carrie


We could also use some place where we could avoid so we wouldn't run into each other before we fail to visit

Carrie Furnance.

2011-01-20 16:24:15

I know.... who is it still not in?


2011-01-20 18:41:07

I'm definitely not in.

Also, the parking lot at the bottom of Old Browns Hill Road near Duck Hollow trail would be a really crappy place to run into each other.

2011-01-20 20:25:15

Me! Me! I definately wouldn't be showing up. Depending on the day and time, of course. But I wouldn't show up then, either.

2011-01-20 21:18:08

I had reason to drive through Homestead one day last week, noticed Carrie Furnace on the other side of the river, and reminded myself that I am most assuredly not going there.

2011-01-20 23:52:52

Posted for @Joanne to not look at:

2012-10-27 19:23:26

Haha!! If I had looked at that picture, I bet it would have been AMAZING.

Now I definitely don't want to meet up with a whole bunch of people to not go to Carrie Furnace.

2012-10-27 20:30:10

Well, this is all well and good.

But it would be fairer if someone could let the rest of us know the day and time we should plan to avoid the Duck Hollow parking lot. I, for one, don't wish to accidentally ride through there and be forced to participate in some manner of dodgy activity.

I just hope it's not the first week-end of November (particularly late morning on a Sunday). Of course if Sandy promises to show up I might make an exception. Though, between you and me, he is a bit of a douche. Sandy: what's your plan?

2012-10-27 22:35:51

isn't Carrie Furnace the place where some Pittsburgh Art Institute student was shot by Rankin police??

As I recall, they, the students, were building something like the deer, but it was an owl.

2012-10-29 21:23:43

i would be careful, things there are stepping up a notch as of this summer, they do regular tours and have electricity and security on the site now... i should know because i installed most of it.

if you talked to ron at rivers of steel he would probably arrange a legal time to meet up and have a tour for bikers.

2012-11-03 03:56:31

^In light of @btdt's police shooting post, that's a great idea. Thanks for the inside information!

I'll email Ron, and if he's in I will post it.

2012-11-03 13:56:32

between the roll call on this board (ron reads it) and the new cameras, they could probably pick some people out if they wanted to.

2012-11-03 17:01:39

Oooh. Finally, an actual reason to wear a face mask.

But seriously, this is not much of a reason to not ride Duck Hollow <-> Rankin. It's a nice ride. (Look out for those CCTVs however.) For that matter, Etna <-> Millvale (along the river) is a nice ride. Neither is "legal", of course.

2012-11-05 02:13:24