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O/T Earth Hour tomorrow

Anyone participating?

Millions of U.S. homes, 2,200 businesses such as Walgreens and 45 national landmarks including Seattle's Space Needle will go dark for an hour Saturday night to draw attention to global warming.

Despite debate over the science of climate change, a record number of U.S. cities, states, and businesses have pledged to participate in this year's Earth Hour, in which non-essential lights go off at 8:30 p.m. local time, according to organizers.

2010-03-26 16:11:56

When is this? Tomorrow or tonight? Time for some candle-lit fun! :D

It'd be nice if businesses' willingness to turn off lights would extend to, I don't know, any time they're not using them? I never get why business buildings leave some of their lights on at night. A lot of times you can't even turn off all the lights without going to the breaker. Is it for "safety"?

Also see: parking lots and garages at 3 am.

(end mini-rant)

2010-03-26 16:56:55

I don't know if this is still true, but it used to be that some kinds of flourescent light used more energy while being turned on than they would use for 12 hours of continuous running.

I don't think this is still true, but I don't know.

In any case, you can bet there are light systems that would use far more energy if someone turned off their office lights when they went to lunch, had coffee breaks, and went to the bathroom.

non-essential lights go off at 8:30 p.m. local time

I foresee many vacant stares at the Brillo Box...

2010-03-26 17:03:39

This is for Saturday evening.....

2010-03-26 17:10:49

I missed it this year. Usually I turn off all electronic equipment, dig out some old old 78s (the pre-1930 set), and crank up the Victrola, listening by candlelight.

2010-03-28 17:16:07