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PAT Bus Racks

Regrettably, I didn't have a camera on me, but yesterday evening I spotted a little girl's bike - like an 8 year-old would ride - all pink and white with streamers on the bar-ends - in the rack of a PAT bus on Freeport Road in Aspinwall.

Future multi-modal commuter?

2010-06-04 19:26:02


Now let's just get racks on ALL the buses so I can stop worrying about if the scheduled bus coming will have one or not. It really is unnecessary worry for something so simple. Plus, a lot of suburbanites could go multi-modal.

2010-06-05 02:05:27

Yay! I got caught in a storm earlier this week and was not anxious for a repeat performance, so took my bike home via PAT tonight. First 14 that came along had a rack! I was SO happy. Bus driver was great. Several pax on the bus not so happy. Not mean, not angry, just sort of well, befuddled. Oh well, I was happy.

2010-06-05 02:16:30

damn i wish i coulda seen that.

2010-06-05 02:52:12

@swalfoort, just to clarify, you mean that the first #14 bus had a rack, not that the 13 buses prior to yours that you were not catching also had racks.

I hate this new numbering system. This is why.

2010-06-05 06:41:43

Stu, the self-made transit guru, hating the new numbering system? Dear Lord, we are all doomed, DOOMED I say!

2010-06-05 06:57:11