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Politicians' views on bikes

So election day is coming up in about a month. (Voter registration forms were due Monday... sorry for not posting a heads-up about that. Hopefully everyone is registered already.) I know the Pittsburgh mayor is on the ballot, and those of us who are registered will be able to choose between Luke Ravenstahl, Franco "Dok" Harris and Kevin Acklin. Presumably other races, in and out of the city, are also being contested.

Does anyone know about the candidates' (for mayor or other offices) positions on bike-related issues?

2009-10-08 05:45:13

With Ravenstahl you see his record. Things are progressing nicely in Pittsburgh.

I don't know anything about the other two candidates other than one is a republican and the other (Acklin) has donated to all republican candidates in the past. Nothing wrong with being a republican, it's just generally they don't seem to get cycling as transportation.

2009-10-08 15:24:04

i thought that ravenstahl was on both sides of the ticket through some weird publicity stunt basically.

2009-10-08 17:58:20

acklin has actually been pretty receptive to our ideas.

2009-10-09 03:27:11