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Questionable Car Tricks: smartphone parking app!

Awwwright! Just in time for the holidays, more drivers running late for theatre shows will now be texting while driving in the cultural district.

Online parking search tool launches today.

Developed by Deep Local -- who did an amazing job with the Pittsburgh Bicycle Map.

Wonder if the app will track bike parking in those city garages, too?

2010-12-16 12:29:37

Betcha the city could solve its parking income problem real quick, if it integrated that app with an online auction system.

"I bid $125 for the last space in Theater Square!"



2010-12-16 13:46:02

If something like this were successful it would reduce congestion and emissions in the cultural district since people won't bother trying to drive to a garage that is full.

2010-12-16 14:23:02

"Mr. Benter's foundation provided financial support for the $175,000 pilot project. Other assistance was provided by Hillman Foundation, Deeplocal Inc., Numeritics and the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership."

what else could have been done with that amount to alleviate the situation that does NOT include driving a car?

2010-12-16 14:27:37

Don't worry, as soon as that tunnel is finished I'm sure all the traffic will vanish

2010-12-16 14:29:59

This isn't for anything related to the tunnel or the stadiums.

2010-12-16 14:54:56

It's nice how the federal and state governments are spending advertising and enforcement dollars to eliminate texting while driving, and private individuals with non-profits can create an app which implicitly promotes unsafe driving.

Only a technologically impaired duck would check the parking status prior to traveling the half hour or more into downtown...

2010-12-16 15:52:56

I'm sure the arguement is that it's for the passangers to check, not the drivers.

2010-12-16 15:56:01

yeah but only lame people drive with passengers.

2010-12-16 15:56:34

@rsprake The joke was that people could park at the Stadiums and then trolly into work downtown

2010-12-16 17:35:46