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Rail trails that have been plowed?

Does anyone know of rail trails or state parks in the Pittsburgh area with trails that have been cleared of snow?

I know some sections of trails that lead in and out of downtown are cleared, but I'm wondering specifically about any trails a bit further out like the Montour trail, etc.

2013-01-10 19:02:49

Montour trail is definitely NOT cleared of snow, I can tell you that.

2013-01-10 19:30:24

By now it's probably clear of snow but really wet and not rideable.

2013-01-10 20:04:28

Surprisingly, it had a very nice XC ski surface last week, ideal. I'd like to have that back.

2013-01-10 20:12:31

I plan on riding the GAP from West Newton to Connellsville on Saturday. I figure it should be clear by then.

2013-01-11 14:41:23

Clear...maybe......wet and sloppy.....for sure

2013-01-11 15:19:20

B.S. - I've generally found that section to be pretty well drained. Over the hill into Maryland not so much. Even so, I like fenders.

2013-01-11 16:27:33

I did a short trip from Pitt to ohiopyle back to Pitt during storm sandy. Trail was slow and sloppy, wet crushed limestone = hate. Probably still have some in my panniers.

2013-01-11 17:02:42

So does anyone know, first hand, of any paved trails around here that were plowed? That was my initial question.

I know there are a lot of trails, paved or gravel, that might by now be almost free of snow and ice because they've melted. But I'm wondering specifically about trails that were cleared before they had a chance to turn into packed snow and ice.

I'm from Wisconsin and I know of 2-3 state parks that always plowed their paved paths, so I'm wondering if anything like that occurs around here.

2013-01-11 19:18:16

So does anyone know, first hand, of any paved trails around here that were plowed? That was my initial question.

I know there are a lot of trails, paved or gravel, that might by now be almost free of snow and ice because they've melted. But I'm wondering specifically about trails that were cleared before they had a chance to turn into packed snow and ice.

I'm from Wisconsin and I know of 2-3 state parks that always plowed their paved paths, so I'm wondering if anything like that occurs around here.

2013-01-11 19:18:23

No paved trails were plowed after the last snow fall. However some were deiced in some sections afterwards.

2013-01-11 21:24:10

Anybody been on the Southside trail? The semester where I work starts back up Monday and I haven't been over on the trail yet, been sticking to second ave

2013-01-11 21:30:44

jail trail and junction hollow are both completely clear. hot metal and ft pitt bridge pedestrian paths as well, havent made it over to the south side or north side trails yet. strip district trail was still shitty as of thursday but might be clear after the rain today.

2013-01-12 00:53:53

Strip Trail has been clear since yesterday.

2013-01-12 02:51:33

Cool. When I went by in the morning the entrance by the cork factory it looked like it was still pretty crappy.

2013-01-12 02:55:23

there was still alot of icy spots on the trail past the casino heading towards western pen this morning it was rideable but you had to be careful

2013-01-12 15:43:54

The Strip trail from the Cork Factory down to the Point was clear as of late yesterday afternoon.

2013-01-13 17:01:31


2013-01-13 23:02:22

How does the jail trail and Parker hollow look today? I avoided them this morning, as I figured there may be a potential for slush.

2013-01-16 18:32:00

The paved trails (jail trail and junction hollow) were fine, mostly just wet with a tiny bit of thin slush here and there.

I took the gravel path through panther hollow this morning. It was slushy and muddy in parts but definitely passable.

2013-01-16 21:10:30

Thanks. All was clear on the commute home.

2013-01-16 21:27:09

EFT is OK, I've cleaned ramps to HMB (and south side also, but not completely -- did not have enough time and there was no salt available)) and redistribute some salt piles from 2nd overpass to ramps . Be careful at night since slash is melting and could convert to black ice patches.

2013-01-16 22:13:19

the trail past the casino is clear no snow

2013-01-17 02:26:42
As of 4pm Feb 3rd; South Side trail, Hot metal bridge, Jail trail and Panther hollow have seen zero snow removal. Passable on knobbies though.
2013-02-03 16:42:49
Is there ice?
2013-02-03 16:49:17
I rode in on some pretty worn 28's on the jail trail this morning- this light snow moves out of the way nicely. No ice, very few foot prints, 3 bikes rode ahead of me, one appeared drunk as they were weaving all over the place.
2013-02-03 16:59:10
There were a lot of joggers on the Jail trail so lots of footprints. It wasn't icy that I could tell, but the temps are dropping tonight so it might be a little slicker tomorrow.
2013-02-03 19:20:15
Joggers, walkers, and motor vehicles have really rutted up both trails- the tire tracks especially (they were not plows or salters) have gone a little icy, but everything was still pretty ridable. It will be less so with another few inches on it later today. Still nicer than riding Second Avenue though.
2013-02-04 10:35:45
Cool. I will try the jail trail on the way home.
2013-02-04 11:52:39
Snow covered, but a very shallow covering and fine really (bike tracks and footprints weren't deep and didn't throw me off course or balance). This is on a bike with inappropriate tires as of about 45 minutes ago. No idea how much more accumulation before a more regular ride time. Felt warmer than the advertised mid 20s to me which maybe softened the ride, but also could be my imagination and/or getting used to having rain pants as an extra layer.
2013-02-04 15:51:51
Jail trail around 445pm had a light dusting of snow over what felt like icy footprints. There were a few deeper spots, but speed was my friend. Panther hollow trail was not icy under the snow, but there were cars on the trail near the lake. Dislike. Roads were slushy but fine.
2013-02-04 18:35:08
I was pleasantly suprised to find the Eliza Furnace Trail plowed this morning on my way in at 8:00 am. I was even able to give the plow driver a big thumbs up and a smile as he was coming back for a swipe in the other direction. He waved back. As usual my street was the worst part of the ride- most streets were just wet and a little slushy.
2013-03-06 09:39:31
Whoa! That is shocking, and excellent! I usually take EFT but didn't even bother this morning - just took 5th straight into town and it wasn't bad at all. Big ups, Pittsburgh!
2013-03-06 10:11:02
I took 5th at 515am cause I figured that the trail wouldn't be plowed and snow was still falling. How is the fort Duquesne ped bridge and panther hollow?
2013-03-06 11:09:52
Ft. Duquesne Ped bridge did not even have slush on it. Did not come down Panther Hollow because the cut through CMU was probably still closed. With it being in the 40's by noon, a lot of the snow will melt, especially because the ground was not frozen.
2013-03-06 13:12:55