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ride in the woods this weekend?

Hi all. My friend and I are doing a little overnight camping ride on the GAP this weekend (5/31-6/1). Probably only fifty or sixty miles out, camp, and ride back Sunday. Thought I'd invite whoever along! I'm going to be making sure my gear is ready for a bigger trip later this month so I'll be good and loaded down, and my friend rides single speed. So we're not gonna be racing or doing anything but having leisurely nature fun-times. Beer and campfire, I reckon. Holler if you'd like to join us!
2014-05-28 19:41:01
Depending on where you start, that would probably get you to Connellsville, where there are (or were) shelters for travelers, just before town. The trail up to there always seemed a bit exurban (i.e. nearby habitations). Afterwards things get more rustic (well, forest-ish), between Connellsville and Ohiopyle. [before everyone piles on: I'm only a casual GAPer, so my opinions are up for dissection.]
2014-05-28 20:13:22
We're going to start in Lawrenceville. I've ridden to DC and back, so I know the GAP (and C&O) fairly well. Just looking for a nice weekend on the trail. You're welcome to come be casual GAPers with us. Might do some wandering around ohiopyle, as the rain probably brought out some good morels and black trumpet mushrooms for dinner. ^___^
2014-05-28 20:24:34
I might be interested. I'd like to get some of gear out for the summer.
2014-05-28 20:40:00
@btotheen awesome! going to try to meet up w/ everyone at rei around 8am? i can message you my phone number if you'd like so we can all plan when to convene.
2014-05-29 21:55:41
hey all- looks like we're going to meet up at rei at nine when it opens to load up on goodies and stuff before we head out. hope to see some of yinz there!
2014-05-30 21:04:19