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Ride on Harrisburg: 6/11

From our partner at Mission: Readiness: Happy Friday to all, I hope that you all are gearing up for a great holiday weekend. As you can see from this list, I am reaching out to those of you that might be able to assist me in getting as many bicyclists to a Capitol Steps bicycle / active transportation rally on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 10:00am. The focus of the event is to launch a new effort called Walk and Ride PA to support a comprehensive transportation funding package (SB1) that hopefully makes a first-ever dedicated state investment in active modes of transportation (bicycling and walking). Twitter Page: Facebook page - Website (in final construction) Speakers at this event will be articulating the benefits of investing in such modes of transportation infrastructure (public health; environmental; economic development (tourism) and roadway safety.) We will be joined by PennDOT Deputy Secretary Brad Mallory and possibly the legislative Transportation Committee Chairmen. At this event, we will also be announcing the formation of a bi-partisan, bicameral bicycle caucus. Sen. Mike Folmer (R-Lebanon), Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-Lehigh) have agreed to co-chair this caucus in the Senate and Rep. Tom Killion (R-Delaware) and Rep. Erin Molchany (D-Allegheny) have expressed interest in co-chairing on the House side. They will be speaking as well. DETAILS: Front steps of the Capitol on Tuesday, June 11, beginning 10:00 AM (Rain location - Atrium-Keystone Building - bicycles are allowed in the building!) (30-45 min. duration?) For media purposes - the more bicycles we can get to this event the better. If you would like to discuss this with me in more detail please call. Also, please forward this email to others that you think would be helpful in getting bicycles / bicyclists to this important event. Thanks for your help. Steve -- Steve Doster Pennsylvania State Director Mission: Readiness MISSION: READINESS is the nonprofit, nonpartisan national security organization of senior retired military leaders ensuring continuedAmerican security and prosperity into the 21st century by calling for smart investments in the next generation of American children.
2013-05-24 14:31:43
Scott, is BikePgh doing anything in support of this, like providing a truck/bus shuttle to move people/bicycles to Harrisburg for this event? Thanks!
2013-05-24 15:36:20
I would love to but work.
2013-05-24 16:26:09
Vannevar, I got this invite a minute before I posted it.
2013-05-24 21:55:11
No problem, Scott, thanks. A bike caucus seems like a good thing.
2013-05-25 01:20:18