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Ridiculousness: "I will DIE is DOT doesn't remove bikes from park"

2013-05-29 10:47:16
Some people have serious, important issues they face day to day. Other people, well, have to look for problems to have.
2013-05-29 10:53:17
I dunno. Encroachment on park space in NYC is a serious issue. "I'll die if..." is over the top, but it seems liek that tiny park isn't the place for a bike station.
2013-05-29 11:07:50
People really, really, care about real estate in Manhattan, and fight over it all the time. Edit: also, the New York Daily News are assholes who are doing all they can to sabotage bike share. E.g., this story links the killing of a cyclist yesterday to bike share, even though the cyclist was not using a bike share bike, or anywhere near a bike share station.
2013-05-29 11:12:29
Well according to the google machine, the racks are *outside* the park fence as seen in the photo & article from May 9th And Streetview of small park But what I really want to know is if this wacko is charging a fee to partake in her art classes on public property? And even if free, someone should point out that like, there's an actual park just a few steps away.
2013-05-29 11:28:13
Bicycle parking is just that, parking. It's necessary to have close to a lot of things, but it can be a little ugly. I don't think there's any problem owning that. The redeeming virtue of it being bicycle parking is just that the land use requirements and hence visual impacts are vastly lower. Sounds like on the technical merits the argument falls flat since it's outside the park. I'll still agree that would be better were it in the street, but of course this is a pretty wackazoo reaction to it all.
2013-05-29 11:39:54
i dont really consider a middle-aged lady in a tutu necessary art.
2013-05-29 15:36:19
"Now that the city has changed so much, is it time for me to go away and die in an obscure corner?" Yes, also known as your basement studio. You'll be remembered by your close circle of whiny friends as the artist who stood up to the pushcart and bike station I like how her proclamation included this tidbit: "One man stayed on the sidewalk, still mounted, then circled back in the street and called out to me, "I know you. I used to live where you live at 86 Kenmare, and you are easily the most annoying person in world."
2013-05-29 15:46:17