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Road repair in Japan

2011-03-24 16:35:09

Oh sure, but they don't have those freeze-thaw cycles to deal with.

2011-03-24 16:40:10

That road had like a 12" asphalt base and appeared to be built atop clay. I'm no road engineer, (but driving past the reconstruction of rt 28 over the last several years does tend to make one feel expert...) but it appears Penn Dot likes a massive concrete base with re-bar, it's gotta be 18" thick. Kind of apples and oranges.

2011-03-24 17:36:34

I kinda read blurb as a private contractor just went out and fixed the road. Details are a bit lacking, such as how many other roads in the area are still unusable.

2011-03-24 17:51:37

my experience in Japan and bumping up professionally against the culture on occasion has also indicated to me that in general, they make our Puritan Work Ethic look lazy and half-assed like a stoner on a sunny saturday afternoon. Yes, I know even positive stereotypes are not universal, and anecdotal evidence is not necessarily representative.

And it wouldn't be hard to school PennDOT on schedules.

2011-03-24 18:20:59

ejwme ...lazy and half-assed like a stoner on a sunny saturday afternoon

Now, now.

You shouldn't believe everything they say about me.

2011-03-24 21:11:42

Ditto on what ejwme said. I was there for a month and they are def. an efficient and hard working people.

2011-03-24 22:42:58

just exactly what were you doing on a CAR website?

2011-03-25 00:06:21

Unfortunately I have always loved cars, (father was a mechanic) however more recently I have been laid up for the past 3 months with a torn and then reconstructed ACL so I spend a lot of time on the internet since I can't do much else. However...good news from the physical therapist...back on the bike next week!

2011-03-25 00:31:02

the comments in the UK news site they plucked the article from are the same as ours - especially from highlanders. whining about bureaucracy, unions, potholes, etc.

if we had their soil, then we wouldn't have the issues we have and could do the same repair in a similar amount of time. however, we don't so we can't.

i just replaced a section of penndot roadway by removing the coal and clay that had been moving the road in small increments for decades, with limestone crushed to the size of softballs and baseballs. finished in a week.

the japanese don't build roads on coal and clay.

2011-03-25 01:53:24