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Route S across Southern PA- Memorial Day wkend

I'm looking for transportation from Pittsburgh to Claysville, PA on Thurs eve or Friday morning (May 27th or 28th). I plan to take a Greyhound from Phil to Pitts and am willing to pay gas plus some to anyone that might be interested.

Also, any pointers about biking Route S are appreciated. I plan to start Friday morning at the WV/PA line and spend the next 5 days pumping it to the NJ line.

Thanks in advance,


Doylestown, PA

2010-05-22 20:21:09

I did the S Route last fall, well, some of it. I ran out of time and had to stop at Harrisburg, 263 miles.

Watch out for Chambersburg, Rt 30, we hit it at rush hour and it was loaded with fast traffic.

I prefer the road, but the Yough is full of great views on the trail part of the ride. Enjoy!

2010-05-24 03:09:53