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Rustbelt Almanac - Local print magazine about industrious people I think most of you would really be into this. These guys decided in January they were going to start a magazine. Now, only a few months later, they have over 100 pages of unique content and beautiful photos ready to print.
2013-03-12 12:59:32
Thanks for sharing this with the BikePgh community, Nick. One great reoccurring thing we've noticed while working on the first issue of the magazine is how much cyclists not only value their community, but actively work to improve it. Of course, this is something I already knew about folks here in Pittsburgh, but travelling a bit in the past two months, its been great to meet some cyclists in other cities. Most recently, we were working on some articles while in Cleveland and met Alex Nosse, founder of Joy Machines Bike Shop in Ohio City. We just kind of popped into his shop for a quick chat, and he was both extremely welcoming and insanely passionate about improving his city. Glad to see folks all across the region helping to make daily life a little better for all of us. Also, on a side note, if any of you happen to be passing through Cleveland on your bikes, we also met with the owner of Cleveland Hostel, a great bike-friendly business just down the road from Joy Machines. We'll have articles online about it soon, but its worth looking into if you ever need a place to stay during your travels.
2013-03-13 12:13:32