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Safe Passing/Harassment Law Likely in Louisiana

Lawmakers approve bill to protect bicyclists

BATON ROUGE -- With little debate, the Senate sent Gov. Bobby Jindal a bill Thursday designed to make it safer for bicyclists to coexist with vehicles on state roads and highways.

Senators voted 37-0 for House Bill 725 by Rep. Michael Jackson, I-Baton Rouge, that will require motorists to leave a "safe distance ... of not less than 3 feet" when passing a bicyclist.

Sen. Sharon Weston Broome, D-Baton Rouge, said the bill is needed to improve safety on highways and to help keep bicycle riders form getting killed or injured by vehicles.

If Jackson's bill becomes law it would go into effect Aug. 15.

The bill directs the Office of Motor Vehicles to include a summary of the new law in driving manuals and other "instructional publications" for drivers, and requires the state Department of Transportation and Development to "place signs in areas frequently used by bicyclists .¤.¤. to make motorists aware of the need to share the road."

Violations would carry a fine of not more than $250.

Motorists and vehicle occupants who "harass, taunt or maliciously throw objects at or in the direction of any person riding a bicycle," could be fined a minimum of $200 or face imprisonment for not more than 30 days.

Backers of the bill said that 14 states already have laws that set up safe zones for cyclists and at least five others besides Louisiana are debating ones this year.

2009-06-15 14:11:41

This legislation DID pass and the Governor signed it into law, 4.54 PM, Thursday, June 25! A contact in his office has indicated that the Gov wants to have a second, more public, signing ceremony soon. Look for pictures and more soon at

2009-06-27 22:23:24