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Show off your bike in the Pittsburgh Gigapanorama Photo Shoot

What: Participate in a citywide, ultra-high-resolution panoramic photo!

When: This Thursday, September 23, 2010, 11:00am-2:00pm

Where: Anywhere that’s visible from the U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh!

How: Follow @creativeinquiry on Twitter or Facebook for moment-to-moment updates.

People of Pittsburgh! You are invited to appear in an enormous 360° panoramic photograph of Pittsburgh — the Pittsburgh Gigapanorama — that will be photographed with two ultra-high-resolution GigaPan cameras from the top of the U.S. Steel Tower, Pittsburgh’s tallest building. This Thursday, wear a costume, make a sign, or strike a pose at the right time during the two-hour photo shoot — and then enjoy finding yourself in this monumental portrait of our city, which will be accessible online before the end of October!

Here’s how you join the fun:

1. Check out the 30-gigapixel First Pittsburgh Gigapanorama (, which we photographed from the top of the U.S. Steel Tower last year. Try zooming “all the way in” until you can see street signs and individual people, just to get an idea of the amazing resolution of GigaPan images. On Thursday, we’ll shoot a new version — during the Pirates game at PNC Park — with even higher resolution than before!

2. Choose a place where you’ll be visible. Use the first panorama (here) to help choose a place that has good visibility from the top of the tower, and which is legally accessible for you. Remember: the closer you are to Downtown, the more visible you’ll be.

3. Note your orientation to the Tower and save time. Starting at 11am, we’ll broadcast updates every 5 minutes on Twitter (@creativeinquiry) and Facebook to let you know which direction the GigaPan cameras are pointing! We recommend you use the Google Map of the U.S. Steel Tower ( to determine whether you’ll be North, East, North-East, North-North-East (or whatnot) in relation to the Tower. Our team will make announcements in 10-degree increments, so it will help if you understand the numbers on a “compass rose diagram” like this one.

4. Do your thing. Wear a funny costume, make a sign, show civic pride, or strike a pose in your chosen location. (Keep it legal and school-suitable, please, or we may have to edit you out.)

5. Let us know what you’re up to! Drop us a line on Twitter, Facebook or regular email at to let us know where to find you!

2010-09-20 15:39:01

404 on that link to last year's photo... this sounds awesome...

2010-09-20 16:21:45

The link is a little bit bad. Try this one:

My bike is always parked out in front of USX but because they are shooting the photo from the roof they aren't going to catch it. I used to park at the racks at the end of the Eliza Furnace Trail at Grant Street and First Ave but that space is hidden behind Mellon's building.

I think the best place to get caught would be up and down the North Shore trail between Heinz Field and the Fort Duquesne Bridge.

2010-09-20 16:35:53

Grandview Avenue wouldn't be half bad. I can see my house, too!

2010-09-20 16:50:08

Pretty darn cool, it is. I can see its limitations, though. I zoomed in on the corner of Anderson at Isabella (N end of 9th St Br). You can clearly see the bus stop sign and street sign, but you cannot clearly read the words.

That tells me that if you're going to bring a sign, the words better be six inches high, and each stroke over an inch wide, in order to be read. Identifying faces might be troublesome, too.

Unless this isn't the highest resolution available?

2010-09-20 17:05:39

Resolution is an issue, but air quality is probably the limit.

2010-09-20 18:11:59

Yeah, hopefully the atmosphere is clear and calm during the shoot. I was amazed to be able to see all the way to East Liberty (Presby Church and Highland Building). It would be cool to see what that camera can do pointed at the moon.

2010-09-20 18:37:32

If the weather is clear, I'll be able to see my house in Emsworth, nine miles out. It's just a little too foggy, or too different a persepective, for me to be able to pick it out now.

I can, however, very clearly see the almost dead plants on my office windowsill. Thanks for the warning. I have a couple days to get them perked up before this week's shot.

2010-09-20 18:55:51

A smoke-and-haze question.

Looking SW across the Mon toward SSide, between 10SB and BirminghamBr, appears smoky. Since there's no smoke-belching industry, is this (a) Closeness of the camera to the sun; (b) Leftover haze from an upwind but fairly close single event like a house fire; (c) Leftover haze from a much upwind constant event like an Ohio River Valley full of coal plants; or (d) Your SWAG here. Or some combination of the above?

Looking farther upstream on the Mon, looks like there's a lot of smoke. Edgar Thomson plant? There's a lot more smoke upriver on the Mon than is visible looking straight north, where there's just an overall haze. I can pick out the water tank out by Cumberland Road in McCandless, at the very horizon. That's about 10 miles out. Almost indistinguishable at that distance.

IIRC, when all the power plants shut down for two days in that August 2003 Great Lakes blackout, the air cleared to where you could see 80 miles.

2010-09-20 19:31:33

Stu, the haze tht you are calling smoke might just be a touch of fog. There isn't much of it, and it seems to be around the river valley.

Possibly ascerbated by some source of smoke, too.

It doesn't take much for something over a mile away to be fogged. When George Washington first visit, he ntoiced the Mon Valley was hazy

2010-09-20 19:42:23

Last year's picture is very cool.

Any idea what time of day that was shot? There's one lonely guy on the north shore and relatively few cars in the stadium lots - not that many people are out. The sun is coming from the east at what seems to be a low angle.

2010-09-21 02:06:29

I'm working with the Gigapan folks to help get the word out about the shoot, so a couple extra details:

- the resolution of the photo on Thursday will be higher than the original, so people should be more recognizable when in the shot. I don't know the exact resolution, though

- The shot will start at 11 am and go until approximately 1 pm. Keep following @creativeinquiry on twitter for live updates of what part of the city is being shot so you can make sure you're in it!

- The organizers would like to know if you plan on being in the shot and where you'll be so they can highlight it when the image is put together. The easiest way to is to RSVP to the Facebook event:

2010-09-21 11:57:12


I know this off topic but

Actually taking good photos of the moon is a lot harder than it would seem. Part of the problem is the extreme distance and another part is the pesky fact that it is actually moving. The rule for taking a picture of the moon was for every 1mm of image you wanted on the film you needed 100mm of lens so to take a 35mm shot and fill the image you needed a 3500mm lens. still when you can get a good photo of the moon it is a stunning image.

makes me feel small

and that is saying something

2010-09-21 13:49:21

I'm just trying to figure out what the limit of "school-suitable" is. Can I wear a tshirt with a Bible verse on it? How about a political slogan? Corporate advertising?

2010-09-21 13:53:13

i think we should try to gather as large a group as possible at bike pgh, ad take over dougbboy square with our bikes for the shot

2010-09-21 14:02:03

someone should dress up like waldo.


2010-09-21 14:10:21

It'd be cool to have a unicycle somewhere. Sorry, I can't get out of Moon Twp during the day. If anyone else would like to borrow one of mine, PM me.

2010-09-21 15:49:07

<3 u gigapan, SO MUCH

2010-09-21 18:23:00

oh shit, the "obey" tag was on the building that burned to the ground on carson st a while back

2010-09-21 18:56:46

Haha Colin, I feel the same way. I get tired of seeing "his" crap all over the city.

2010-09-21 20:51:37

Is anyone monitoring this? Anyone think they've been photgraphed yet? Looks lie haze will be a problem with the longer view.

2010-09-23 16:04:30

according to the schedule they posted on Facebook yesterday, they should have shot everything from about the Smithfield Street Bridge to the Allegheny River in the Strip by about now. Moving counter clockwise from there. Should be shooting Heinz Lofts to Casino (roughly) between 12:30 and 1:30. Great chance to get your bike included....

Map and schedule available at

2010-09-23 16:08:43

awww shit, i forgot to lock my bike outside for this. ooops.

2010-09-24 01:30:33