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Something Completely Different: Human Pyramid

Sorry. Had to.

(I mean, since the week's media focus seems to be Cyclists as Cheaters Who Think Rules Dont Apply Do Them, I thought this was timely. I wonder if there isn't a potential general-public cyclist-blowback from all the Lance Chronicles.)

2013-01-16 01:34:19

Nooo! I generally love Pearls Before Swine. That's a bummer.

2013-01-17 18:53:44

It's more than a bummer to me, it's a sign of a public perception problem that, let's face it, we have and gets in the way of so much of what we hope to achieve.

That's why I was sensitive on the tone and unhappy with the start of the "bicycles do not belong on the road" thread recently. We need to do better with our opportunities to talk to people WAY on the other side of the fence.

I mean, if you think someone is a self entitled jerk how much do you want to give them even if it's scraps from your table (really unnecessarily wide lanes that could be narrowed to make room for a bike lane) you won't miss? NOTHING.

2013-01-17 21:43:22

I wouldn't assume he's anti-cyclist. "Pearls Before Swine" is meta and ironic so he might be saying almost anything here.

2013-01-17 22:00:45

i think it's pretty funny. we're allowed to be self-deprecating, too, like that motherf**king bike song, which was tremendous.

also: and now for something completely different: a man with three buttocks.

2013-01-17 22:11:08

Yeah, it does read as though he ragging on cyclists. But it's so over the top and so funny to me that I can't stop laughing long enough to get mad about it even if I should.

2013-01-17 22:30:53