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Sometimes 4 feet isn't enough

Saw this truck on Perry Highway on Saturday morning. Check out the head-whacker sticking out of his truck.

Giving the guy some credit, he was routinely hugging the center line when in the curb lane, and preferring the left lane. I'm just glad I wasn't on the road at about the same time for those cases when he wasn't.

I only hope anyone else with a similar load to carry is as considerate.

Four feet is sometimes not enough.

2012-03-18 11:54:47


2012-03-18 12:44:18

I give this driver no credit.

2012-03-19 01:45:43

on a similar note, the good weather is starting to bring out the landscapers and their trucks. watch out for those towing rickety metal trailers full of landscaping equipment. they may pass you with the truck at what seems like a safe distance (never 4' but safe), but those trailers can skip around all over the road as they pass. i've had numerous experiences where i was in fear for my safety as a rickety little trailer passed on my left skipping sideways erraticly.

2012-03-19 13:58:25

An added bonus of rickety trailers is tools falling off. I have collected quite a few nice things on the roadways. Cars do not see them.

For some reason, almost all of the screwdrives I have found are flat head- rarely find a philips.

2012-03-19 16:23:28

+1 on the landscape trucks & their trailers. Especially the Forbes Ave bike lanes, ugh.

2012-03-19 16:45:24

i too have a small but impressive collection of tools found on the road. glad i wasn't riding behind one of these guys when they were falling off!

2012-03-20 15:39:24