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Stolen Bike - Oakland Friday May 16 Jamis Aurora Red

Hope this is an appropriate use of the forum but I would appreciate any help finding this 10 year old bike. Yes, I didn't lock it very securely but I had parked it in the same place with the same lock for 9 years. Still no excuse. Thanks in advance for any help in tracking it down It is fairly beat up but still bright red with silver striping plus it had the rear gear hanger fixed many years ago still primed with black paint. Also at the time of theft it had very dirty white handle bar tape. stolen Aurora Red in Pittsburgh
2014-05-20 23:33:23
Can you re-post the pic, it's not showing up. Use the very tiny post-pic icon above the enter text box. Also, what area of the city was the bike stolen from?
2014-05-21 07:47:51
Also, the bike was taken from the Dithridge Garage in Oakland near Mellon Institute.
2014-05-23 22:12:05
I am not familiar with Dithridge Garage- is this CMU property? From the sudden lack of bikes in the racks outside the campus center, I think they did their annual sweep for abandoned bikes recently.
2014-05-24 07:04:21