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Stolen Fuji Hybrid in Squirrel Hill

Someone stole a navy blue Fuji Ultimate Hybrid from my basement in Squirrel Hill this morning.

2012-06-14 13:11:58

basement??! was it left open? is it a shared apartment basement or something?

2012-06-14 21:14:07

Stuff like this makes me extra-nervous. I live in a third-floor apartment, so I don't worry about my bikes when they're inside right now, but I'm moving to a duplexy house thing in the fall, and now I'm getting nervous about storing my bikes in the basement / on the first floor... so yes, more details?

And sorry about your bike :( Best of luck finding it. The advice in the other thread (file a police report, etc.) sounds appropriate.

2012-06-15 21:09:41