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Stuff you've written after a bike ride

Getting out on two wheels lets you clear your head, observe the world first hand, and let you reflect on the nature of things. When you get home, maybe you've worked your way through a problem, or maybe you feel the need to write poetry or a blog post. This thread is for those times when you've reflected on the nature of things after a ride.
2017-05-02 05:55:20
As Exhibit #1, I offer this post, written by Jim Wright, of the blog Stonekettle Station. It's about politics, specifically our current president, but it's about how he uses the bicycle ride as backdrop to the whole discussion. Regardless of your feelings on the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I think this essay is worth your time. "Antipodes," by Jim Wright I wish I could write this well.
2017-05-02 06:00:14