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Super Exciting Volunteer Night Tomorrow Night

Next Wednesday we're going to hold one of those old fashioned writing, folding, stamping, and licking volunteer nights to send out our membership materials. We've also got a large pile of captivating data entry for the motivated computer user.

We'll have some yummy food for you.


When: Wednesday, October: 6:30-8:30pm

Where: 3410 Penn Ave

Why: Because you love bikes and Pittsburgh, and we have 1400 members now and it takes a room of dedicated volunteers to get in touch with them!

What else: I'm working on an FAQ for Bike Pittsburgh volunteers so I'm looking for your input. If you've tabled for Bike Pittsburgh in the past, try to remember some of the questions you were asked so I can include them in the list.

Volunteer night is an excellent opportunity to work towards membership through our Barter Program. Commit to ten hours of volunteering and earn your membership with Bike Pittsburgh. After a couple of hours next week, you'll be 20% there.

2010-10-14 20:54:55

I'm down, but does the barter program include the un-raffled Trek District rusting away in the upstairs?


2010-10-14 20:57:23

I'm totally down AND i love the barter thing


can someone please give me directions from southside works to the office? I'm really nervous about getting there.

2010-10-14 22:22:53

sign me up!

2010-10-15 01:02:40

Do we have to RSVP? I would *LOVE* to come, but I may have work obligations. (While python is awesome, it doesn't code itself... :( )

If I can finish up the project I'm on this weekend, I'll be there. (But may be late nonetheless....)

2010-10-15 13:11:02

southside works to the office:

there are several ways to go.

here's a fairly easy one

alternately, from downtown, you could cross say the sixth st bridge, then take the trail to the 31st st bridge, cross and then just go up penn 3 blocks

2010-10-15 15:16:31

I'll be there!

2010-10-15 19:25:20