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The Greg LeMond Complete Guide to Cycling

I'm halfway through this book right now. Pretty interesting, I imagine much of it is outdated already seeing as it's 20 years old at this point, and even more is probably inaccurate anyway. Anyone else read it?

2010-08-17 03:02:48

I haven't read it but Greg flat out knows how to ride a bike. I had the pleasure of seeing him ride the Tour duPont many years ago. Some people still use his formula for determining saddle height.

I read an interview with him a few years ago that said people really had no idea about how to apply power on the bike back then, and they all pushed gears that were much too big when climbing. Power meters for the (wealthy) masses means there is a lot more data about how to train for power these days. But otherwise I'd bet a lot of what is in the book is spot on.

2010-08-19 14:01:00