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The latest weird comment from a bus driver

I'm waiting at my stop to go dahntahn ... a driver from a bus that I'm not interested in boarding wants to be helpful, tells me I might be refused because my wheels are too small (tell that to the buses I've been rack-and-riding all year.)

2011-07-06 21:59:58

I believe you. Would it be possible to get a photo of your bike on a bus rack, nice and plain and clear and unhurried, possibly from several angles?

I got my avatar photo taken by knowing when and where a bus would be laying over between runs, and checking with the driver that it would be OK to get a few pics while he was waiting.

2011-07-07 10:28:14

Yeah, I'll start taking a few pics when I'm boarding racked buses that have a lot of people to load/unload at that stop... some days lighting is better than others. The key thing is how short the arm retracts to; they seem to be designed with a 16" wheel as a use case which is jim dandy.

2011-07-07 13:31:31