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Trainer time again

The leaves are changing, the rains are coming, and those of us who would rather not venture the pgh cold and stay in shape are hunting for trainers.

I'm in the market for one (yeah, shouldve picked up a used one super cheap in the middle of summer, I know) and I'm trying to sort out which would be the best.

Cyclops? Fluid? Mag?

2009-09-21 23:01:42

Whatever one is on Craigslist for cheap. I got a mag cycleops at a good price in January, so they are out there. It does a good job, I guess, but I need to figure out a system to be able to read while 'riding', because it is so brutally boring.

2009-09-22 01:46:36

Get a mag. Or a wind. They have the best road feel and are typically cheapest.

2009-09-22 01:49:11

Go with cheap. Some people love trainers, but I get so bored so fast. Rollers are slightly more entertaining, but along with that require more attention so you can't do much else. This winter I'm stocking up on proper gear to ride outside.

2009-09-22 11:00:48

You can get up and cruising on rollers in a few sessions. The workout is very different from a trainer (you really can't get out of the saddle for a hard effort, unless you're really skilled), but it improves general bike handling skills, and smooths out your stroke under effort.

After a few sessions with a hand on the washing machine, I could ride them without issue. I'd usually watch a movie or somesuch on the laptop.

But, yes, riding outside is preferable. I'd much rather do an hour outside at 15 degrees than an hour in my basement.

2009-09-26 17:20:23

I got a mag trainer for Christmas last year -- I sort of spec'ed it out for my wife and told her to get the next-to-cheapest model. I used it only about a dozen times last winter, but I am going to really get some use out of it this year.

a few things to note that surprised me about the trainer:

1. It friggin' ate my rear tire. After a few sessions, it was squared off. That sucker gets *hot* in use.

2. Riding the trainer is BORING. Movies, music, whatever I added...nothing cuts into the fact that you're sitting in your basement in the dead of winter.

3. Get a good fan blowing -- it's really hot work.

4. Have water there -- you need it on the trainer.

Just my Trainer-newbie thoughts...

2009-09-26 20:36:49

For thos of us that don't have basements, has anyone used theirs in say, their living room or home office? How offensive or loud are they to other people?

2009-09-26 22:17:23

@Netvil Depends on what you get. Somewhat loud to really loud. You can watch TV but you have to turn the volume up a bit. Also, they make a horrible racket on the floor below.

2009-09-27 00:35:05

Hometrainer tires are pretty awesome for both rollers (cuts the noise and helps keep things steady) and resistance trainers (doesn't ruin your tire. They're expensive, but wiggle seems to have them for $20-25 ( ) and they will last forever...

2009-09-29 01:44:54

I have a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine that I bought new in 2001. I rode it a whole bunch that winter, then haven't used it much since then. I have a decent stationary bike that I ride now. PM me if you want it.

I tried to sell it a few years ago on the dirt rag forums but got no bites. There are pictures on that post:

2009-09-29 15:04:27

Dude. I have a blackburn mag trainer. It is LOUD. Ridiculously loud. Like, music blaring through headphones shoved into my ears but I can still hear the damn thing way too much, LOUD.

hope that helps :)

2009-09-30 20:19:18

The trainer I mentioned two posts above is now sold. That was quick and easy...

2009-10-02 12:56:06