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Ultramarathon Rider needs help!

We got this request over on the PTAG Website, and I figured I'd pass it along to anyone who might be interested. I've met Gerry and he is a good guy, and this would be a cool experience... Gerry Eddlemon ( sent a message using the contact form: Hello fellow cyclists, I am a long-distance cyclist and member of the UltraMarathon Cycling Association who enjoys nothing better than to cross states, provinces, and countries for record. This Sat. May 17, I plan to cross Pennsylvania by bicycle from North to South about 190 miles for my 85th UltraMarathon Cycling Association record. Unfortunately one of my two required crewpersons had to bail out for family and job reasons, so I am having to rely on the kindness of strangers to round out my team (many of my successful record rides, including the first successful crossing of Alaska for record in 2012, involved crew and officials who were perfect strangers but volunteered in the last week or so before my attempt). My crewchief and wife Mikki and I will be traveling from Knoxville, TN to pick up our UMCA official, Jerry Jones of Bel Air, MD. Would you or someone you know possibly be interested and available to help us on this PA crossing? The crewperson would not necessarily need to crew for the entire distance, just two to four hours on Saturday May 17 would be most helpful. We could possibly meet on the road somewhere east of Pittsburgh. The prospective crewperson would need to bring along a bike to ride back to his car after his or her crewing stint (since my support vehicle and I must carry on down the road), or bring along a car and driver to pick the crewperson up a few hours down the road. I of course will reimburse the crewperson for gasoline, food, and any other reasonable expenses related to this little adventure. The route will be the shortest distance I can navigate between the start on US Hwy 62 on the PA/NY stateline, and the finish line at the PA/MD stateline a couple miles south of Pocahontas, PA (where Maryland State Hwy 546 begins). The route passes within about 50 miles of Pittsburgh. Thank you kindly for your consideration of this matter. All the best, Gerry Eddlemon email:
2014-05-14 06:48:03
Yes, that's really a tough, demanding ride, crossing Pennsylvania NORTH to SOUTH... ha!
2014-05-14 07:19:05