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Urban Cycling Hall of Fame Collection Party - Thurs June 27

The Urban Cycling Hall of Fame (UCHOF) celebrates the people, events and artifacts that have shaped urban cycling. The UCHOF is the bridge from the past to the present and ensures nothing is left behind. Make sure Pittsburgh's history is told. It is short notice, but such is life. On Thursday June 27 Chrome Industries will be bringing their Dodge RV to The Wheelmill from 6-10pm to collect memorabilia for consideration for the Urban Cycling Hall of Fame, to be unveiled at this year's Interbike trade show in Las Vegas and then on rotation at the physical UCHOF location. Chrome's Amanda Sundvor will be heading up the collection session with DJ equipment and a few beers in hand, join us for a night of hanging out and telling tales of urban cycling past. There's even a mobile goldsprint setup that may be broken out for some roller racing action. Hang out, party, see the Wheelmill and make sure Pittsburgh is represented in the UCHOF. Bring our your old spokecards from Burgh Burners past, t-shirts, photos, basket bike frames, Triangle Messenger jackets and Pittsburgh Mountain Exchange paperwork. If it has to do with Pittsburgh's urban cycling history and culture, bring it out. Items for potential inclusion can be donated or loaned to the UCHOF, with a return process and paperwork in place at the event. Larger items may be photographed for later inclusion. Admission to this event is FREE. Bring your mountain bike and a few dollars if you want to ride the Wheelmill, usual rates apply. Hosted by The Wheelmill, Chrome Industries and Urban Velo Facebook event page:
2013-06-25 20:42:44
This is tonight. Come and spend a bit of this rainy evening at The Wheelmill.
2013-06-27 07:42:08