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So some of you are probably already aware of this site, but i just wanted to put it out there. Velospace is like the myspace of bikes. I probably spend at least half of my work day oggling at bikes on there. There are also clusters on there that are like groups of bikes that all fit a pre-defined field. I made one called iron city bikes. feel free to private message me on there to be added to the cluster. it would be a great way to showcase some of the bikes ive been reading about on here.

2009-11-21 21:17:49

oh yeah my name is van on there...

2009-11-21 21:29:31

Nice site, but, whoa - the level of discourse is definitely a notch or two below what I've seen on bikepgh. Maybe 10. Not to mention the level of typing. Bikepgh'ers should be proud of what they have going on here.

2009-11-24 03:51:10

I have been meaning to create an account there. It's where I got some of the inspiration for my bike build which is still a work in progress as I ride it and buy better stuff for it.

2009-11-24 14:02:49


the site is kinda divided into two parts:

1. the pictures and profiles

2. the forums

The pics ands and profiles tend to have more hipster bashing and poor typing skills, while the forums offer real discourse. I like just mindlessly staring at everyones set ups, getting ideas and inspirations, and geeking out.

2009-11-24 17:42:48

and there is no comparison between the level of community that velospace has next to bike pgh's

2009-11-24 17:44:13

right with you there, fd.

btw, whoo-hoo, I'm a freewheeler!

2009-11-25 19:40:07