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Voluntary Gas Tax Club

Anyone have interest in starting a Voluntary Gas (& Diesel!) Tax club in Pittsburgh? Maybe one exists already?

The basic idea is for people to join together and commit to taxing themselves a certain amount per gallon ($.25 to $2, whatever you want). Then the club pools the money and collectively decides on an organization to give the money to.

You're probably thinking "you don't need a club to do this", and rightly so. But I think it would give another collective voice for those in favor of alternative modes of transportation and a way to show our commitment to that end. Also, it is always fun to be a part of large sums of money going to worthy organizations.

Send me an email if you would be interested in helping organize something like this on a high level (probably wouldn't take much). dmtroyer ^at^ gmail

2009-10-20 13:02:10

That's an interesting idea, kind of a way to punish yourself for driving. :)

I wonder if it would be possible to get a bank to set up a credit card that could do it automagically. They already have the technology to recognize gas purchases, and if they can't get the # of gallons reliably it could just be a percentage. Otherwise the mechanics are similar to that card that automatically "rounds up" and puts the "change" in a savings account.

2009-10-20 14:49:20

I'd be up for it. But then, with the amount of gas I use, it would be a very small amount of money.


2009-10-20 14:55:02