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what boxing term would this be?

i'm riding down the right side of the street. one car is parked on the left side of the street, facing the wrong way (same way i'm going). i judge it as "no threat" - until i see the reverse lights flash briefly, then the wheels turn, the engine revs, and the car starts heading toward me in a big hurry. couldn't have timed it better if it was intentional. i screamed "HEY!" louder than I thought I could possibly yell, and the car stops inches from clocking me.

the driver's reaction is to turn around and start backing up in just as big of a hurry, as i stand there dumbfounded. of course, the car is pretty much 90 deg at this point so she can't move far - and i'm still directly in front of the car blocking her way. she finally looks at me and i say "what the hell?" and she just kind of shrugs her shoulders. i swear i've never wanted to punch a woman as badly as i did right at that moment, but i decided to ride away.

green wagon, DMJ-0065 i believe.

2011-04-25 23:08:55

Sounds like a "haymaker."

2011-04-25 23:11:34

tyson-esque ear bite?

2011-04-25 23:12:42

That has happened to me twice before, both times by newspaper delivery vehicles - one SUV (don't know what paper), and the other was a Post Gazette truck. The SUV saw me with plenty of time to spare.

The PPG truck did not, so I had to jump on the sidewalk as quickly as I could while he backed up. When he saw me, he looked horrified, because he realized what had just happened and could have happened.

Sorry to hear about this, glad it didn't go any further.

2011-04-25 23:17:03

it was just so completely unexpected... but i guess it probably always is :(

it wouldn't have irked me nearly as badly if i thought it was a "learning experience" for the driver. but as far as i could tell she was in just as big of a hurry after the incident as she was before it.

2011-04-25 23:34:28

It's not a boxing term, but how 'bout "Spanish Inquisition."

2011-04-27 12:39:41