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What's the Junction Hollow trail like now?

I'm fairly cautious about riding in icy/snowy conditions. I commmute in the evening via Junction Hollow (but take a different route in the morning). Does anyone know what that's like to ride today, after the higher temps yesterday? I'm hoping for a path free of icy patches, etc. The jail trail was pretty good this morning, but that can get better treatment. Thanks!

2009-02-02 15:20:46

I'm curious, too.

Junction Hollow was rideable on Friday, albeit very slow. The Jail Trail parking lot was a skating rink, as was HMB. I'd love to know if HMB is rideable today.

If only my studded tires were here, I wouldn't care....

2009-02-02 16:05:36

I ride to work down Greenfield Ave, but return through Junction Hollow- it was mostly ridable last night. I suspect it will be in better shape today, as was the Jail trail, but the refrozen melt can be tricky.

2009-02-02 16:42:34

Thanks! Yes, helen s, that's my usual route exactly.

2009-02-02 19:30:24

jail trail is fail. didn't bother navigating to the hot metal bridge...

2009-02-02 22:48:22

As of about 5:00 PM on 2 Feb, the HMB was generally clear of ice (just some on the edges), and the Jail Trail from there to the head at Second Avenue/Swinburne was also mostly clear. The parking lot had some patches of ice, and the upper section of the connector along Second was icy in spots, but rideable.

The Junction Hollow Trail was also generally clear, but was guarded by big ice patches at the entrance and exits. A bit sketchy, but rideable.

It's pretty clear the city finally got around to treating the surfaces, but given the amount of ice that had built up, that was not going to be 100% effective.

2009-02-03 00:31:24