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Wheel Building classes at Free Ride!

This coming weekend Free Ride! will be offering the first of a 2 series class on wheel building. As part of these classes each student will build one wheel. Parts are not provided, but can be ordered and purchased for the second class.

In the first class we will measure hubs and rims to determine spoke length, order class materials (spokes, and optionally hubs and rims) and review basic principles of wheel construction to prepare for the second class.

In the second class we will lace up and tension the wheels. All students will need to either bring their own parts, order them, or find appropriate used parts at our shop in preparation for this class. Attending the first class is not required, but if you don't bring your parts for a new build you will be retensioning one of our used wheel.

Class 1 - Sunday, April 10th 11:00am-1:00pm $15 + cost of parts

Class 2 - Sunday, April 17th 11:00am-2:00pm $25 + cost of parts

Post up any questions that you have.

check out our website to see some of the other classes that we offer.

2011-04-04 04:25:03

cool class, keep updating the board when you do advanced classes, i'll definitely make it to one sometime soon, i'll be out of town for these though

2011-04-04 18:48:00