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Felt like I was going to get blown off my bike this morning by a crosswind. Tips? I'm glad my bike and backpack are heavy.
2013-01-31 15:17:19
No riding tips (granny gears?). However, I will say protect your eyes. I have permanent wind and UV damage on one of my eyeballs.
2013-01-31 15:29:48
+1 for eyewear, i usually use sunglasses in the day and i have a pair of $5 shop goggles from home depo for when its dark / windy / rainy. they arent the oldschool rubber-gasket kind, more like a mono-lensed clear type.
2013-01-31 15:40:29
^ +1 I have $8 roofers glasses from Home Depot. I think reddan originally recommended them. They are bright yellow (instant sunshine!) and have UV protection but are not as dark as sunglasses.
2013-01-31 15:47:45
This tip is probably not applicable in all cases, but I find that it's best to keep pedaling. Maintaining an active forward force on your bike helps counter the force of the wind trying to push you some other way. and a friend of mind once said he tries to "lean against the wind and hope it doesn't stop blowing."
2013-01-31 16:50:38
As a regular commuter, I know of a few places on my route that I can anticipate strong crosswinds coming off of a few buildngs, which is helpful. There is a spot near the east end of the jail trail that funnels wind to the point it can be a momentary near standstill while riding.
2013-01-31 17:22:34
Nearly took flight this morning coming down Greenfield Ave. Shame on the weather to tease us on Monday...
2013-02-01 08:37:22
Greenfield Ave is the reason I started this topic yesterday. It wasn't as bad today, but my backpack was heavier, I filled my water bottle all the way to weigh down my bike, switched to a lower gear, and kept pedaling.
2013-02-01 09:05:28