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Winter Maintenace of the trail over the Hot Metal Bridge this winter

Anyone know if there will be salting and/or plowing of the Hot Metal Bridge (this trail portion, of course, not the automobile portion) this winter?

Last winter, I don't think anything was ever done to it and it was a slippery, dangerous, ice-packed mess.

I wondered if it is even possible for a plow/truck to get onto the bridge itself since the ramps at either end don't seem to be designed to let anything that wide make the turns.

2008-11-14 19:49:56

This topic has come up before and there seem to be several options. One is for some enterprising cyclist to build a bike plow and have to time to make a pass after a snowfall. Second is for some other enterprising trail user to bring his own snowblower to the bridge. Thirdly, I have noticed that the nearby parking lot owns a micro-tractor with a plow that they use to plow the lot. Someone could contact them and see if they would do a good deed and make a pass with their machine.

2008-11-16 00:36:00

Ill build the snow plow bike if someone wants to donate a bike!

2008-11-16 06:24:21