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WTB: NiteRider MiNewt parts

I'm planning a new set of homebrew LED lights to hook up to my generator hub, and I like the size and form of the MiNewt lights, so it's time to play Dr. Fronk-en-schteen.

Specifically, I'm only looking for the lamp assembly of a single or dual unit. I don't care if it works; all I need are the casing, lens, and reflector. It'd be nice if the wires were in good shape and the LED actually worked, but I can live without either.

A single headlamp is cool, one of the duals would be cooler, or two singles would be coolest of all.

Lemme know via PM, or danDOTblumenfeldATgmailDOTcom...

2010-02-04 19:46:22

i would very much like to do this too... let me know how it works... i homebrewed mine to a deconstructed headlamp thing right now but i'd like to just LED the shit out of my bike...

2010-02-07 04:33:44

Sure. The electric bits are real easy for dynamo hubs; the case and wiring is the harder part.

I'm probably going with 3 lights and a three-position switch on the bars. Two lights will be mounted low on the fork, to move with the wheel and better illuminate the road surface; one, with a wider, more diffuse beam, will be mounted higher on the frame pointing straight forward. The 3-position switch will be single light on--all off--all on.

I might throw a momentary switch in there too, so I can flash my lights at people ;-)

2010-02-07 16:26:29

there are a ton of DIY LED articles at this site

2010-02-07 16:40:25

awesome site... thanks

2010-02-07 19:20:27