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Yoga for Cyclists - Discount for Bike Pittsburgh Members

Want to get a little flexy, or stretch some of your wintered up muscles?

Bike Pittsburgh member and yoga instructor Richard Gartner is teaching a Yoga for Cyclists class at Schoolhouse Yoga on February 6.

Here are the details:

When: Sunday February 6th

1:30pm – 3:30pm

Where: Schoolhouse Yoga

Strip District location

24th and Smallman Sts.

Cost: $25 in advance /

$30 at the door

$5 off for members of Bike Pittsburgh.

Balance your compressive and fast-paced running practice with yoga.

This workshop is designed to strengthen and stretch every muscle and

decompress every joint from the hips down. Richard addresses common

injuries and how to avoid them.

You'll receive a guide for a five-minute warm-up and cool-down plus a

few simple tools to further your routine. The workshop is also ideal

for cross-trainers, cyclists, or for any active individual.

All levels welcome! No yoga experience required. Plus, if you are a

member of Bike Pittsburgh, you receive a discount.

Register here:

2011-01-20 19:00:39

so... how does one register in advance? or at all? contact info? (do we PM an appropriate handle?)

2011-01-20 19:48:51

Richie's BikePGH handle is rgyoga, I believe.

Also there's a standing offer that if you beat him in a pose off, you get his record collection and his cache of southern tier pumpking - I've heard...

2011-01-20 19:59:35

In theory, one can register online via Schoolhouse Yoga's site, but I don't see Richard's workshop listed.

2011-01-20 20:09:22

Thank you Lolly for posting! I'm looking forward to teaching this.

I've spoken with Leta (Schoolhouse Yoga owner), and she will have the online registration ready to go on Monday. I believe you'll just need to put your Bike-Pgh ID in the "comments" portion.

If anybody has questions e-mail me: richard (at)

SLOAPS! *shakes fist*

2011-01-20 20:12:39

If I can give a testimonial here. I started Richard's Saturday Yin class about a year ago. (Along with a few more traditional classes here and there...)

Its made a world of difference in my riding. (And in my life in general. I'm now no longer as flexible as a 2x4... it's more like a 1x3 these days. :) )

Also, I have to say Richard is very good at dealing with those of us who are flexibility challenged and/or new to yoga.

If you're on the fence about giving it a try, he'd be a good teacher to start with.

2011-01-20 21:17:41

sloaps - I thought you were accusing Richard of having a cashe of southern tier pumpkins, and visions of pies and soups were dancing through my head. I should go get dinner.

edited to add - And though I know it's unrelated, when people say "Schoolhouse" I think "Wightman School" with that giant gym on the 4th floor that is the most fabulous space in the world unless it's August.

edited to add again - and this looks very cool, thank you Richard!

2011-01-20 21:39:24

I am so doing this. My flexibility sucks and that is the route cause of almost every injury I have had. Well that and me beig an idiot.

2011-01-20 23:57:35

If I'm not scheduled to work, I will be there. Crossing my fingers; I could stand to be a lot more flexible.

2011-01-21 00:02:06

Count me in!

2011-01-21 03:52:40

Wow autocorrect decide that "root" should have been "route". Awesome.

2011-01-21 03:59:54

signed up! thanks, bike PGH & richard!

2011-01-21 14:17:08

richard is a really great teacher. i havent taken one of his classes in so long!!

2011-01-21 19:30:54

richard please describe a pose-off so i can start practicing for the pumpkin ale.

2011-01-21 19:32:20

i suspect it will look something like the walk-off in zoolander and will be emceed by david bowie.

2011-01-21 20:37:35