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Your El Cheapo Craft Project for today...

Last week BOTH of the zippers on my rack-top bag decided to give out. Not happy news, since I'm not exactly in a position where I can spend $75 on a new bag right now. While examining it to see if I could make repairs I discovered that the rack connector was held on by screws. Not rivets, not some crazy proprietary screw, just regular old Phillips head screws.

And thus was born...

Total cost: $5 worth of Tupperware and half an hour of elbow grease.

I must confess I was worried about having my U-Lock pop up and knock the top off during a commute, but it passed the test this morning with flying colors. (Indeed, the only time the top popped off was when I accidentally kicked it mounting up.)

2012-09-17 13:04:50

+1 for cheap DIY solutions.

2012-09-17 13:13:19


I've been thinking about a similar setup for a pull behind trailer, using a lager container

2012-09-17 13:26:38

A small bungie will take care of any lasting concerns about the top popping off. Or is the extra $.99 taking this project over budget?

2012-09-17 13:45:57

wts [Ducttape]

2012-09-17 15:21:28

That is awesome. Perfect for rainy days too. I wonder why there aren't more hardcase bike trunks like this out there.

2012-09-17 15:27:03

An additional nicety of that solution is that you can tape another blinky to the inside of that translucent container, so if the bolted-on one snaps off or dies, you still have rearward blinkage.

2012-09-17 19:51:11

what a beautiful hack. Much more pleasant looking than the kitty litter bucket panniers (though, I confess, I do adore the klb panniers).

A sad google image search of "tupperwear bicycle" reveals this as a budding field of crafty opportunities.

2012-09-17 20:04:18

@Swalfoort: I made a quick trip to the dollar store on my lunch break to pick one up. And thank god I did because the lid really tried to escape on my way down Warrington this evening.

@Stu: Great idea! I think I will have to steal it.

2012-09-17 22:18:49

stu, that's what I was looking for, but alas, found nothing worthy. Thus the wide open field.

i'm feeling pretty motivated, though. Lights inside tupperware containers provide potentially glowing options... hmmm...

2012-09-18 12:00:44

Tupperware (I think) makes a box called lock n lock that has latches on all 4 sides that would make a secure connection, I have some cheaper imitiations out there as well.

On a side note, I would suggest before you choose a clear container to consider where you ride and what you put in there. It could be a traveling showcase for thieves!

I was just thinking about some homemade sloutions for my son's bike and this should be perfect as a start!

2012-09-18 16:07:40