BikeFest is already 41 events strong…..will we reach 75?

Grab your spot on the BikeFest Calendar ASAP!

Wow! The BikeFest Calendar is filling up fast with all sorts of rides and events. If you’re thinking of hosting an event, shift into the big ring and post your ride before someone else snaps up your time slot. Yes, there can be multiple events at the same time during BikeFest, but you’re less likely to have events overlap if you post it sooner than later.

Here are just a few of the events listed so far: Golden Girls Themed Scavenger Hunt, Railbender Ride, Carrie Furnace Ride and Tour, Tour de la Mec. Will Betty White be at the Carrie Furnace, will she be bending rails? It’s tough to say which events she’d choose, but you know she’d have a blast at BikeFest. Who knows, we’ve had our share of celebrities in Pittsburgh, so plan your BikeFest event now and submit it here online. Maybe you’ll plan a Star Wars themed event for BikeFest?

Betty would dig it.

We need you to become a member of BikePGH! We work to protect cyclists’ rights and promote the vision of making Pittsburgh a world-class bicycle and pedestrian friendly city. For more info, visit:

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