Bike Shops: Come to the National Bike Summit for Free!

National Bike Summit attendees in 2012 enjoying the Anacostia Rive Trail in Washington, DC

Bicycling Means Business, March 4-6 2013

The League of American Bicyclists, in collaboration with the Bicycle Dealers Association, is offering scholarships for bike shops to send a representative to the annual National Bike Summit. The idea is to make sure that brick-and-mortar businesses are present to help drive home the theme of “Bicycling Means Business.”

According to the site:

NBDA understands the close relationship between bike funding and the success of bicycle retailers. That’s why they are generously offering 24 scholarships to first-time Summit attendees who work at bike shops. Not only will this scholarship pay for your registration for the 2013 National Bike Summit, but it will also fund your travel and lodging (up to $625).

For more information on the scholarship or the National Bike Summit, see the League of American Bicyclists website

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