Thur. July 7: Complete Streets Policy Update Public Meeting


Future of Transportation National Survey (2010)

Join the dialogue and help Pittsburgh get one step closer to Complete Streets

Complete Streets is the simple concept that our public rights-of-way should be designed and maintained for all users, instead of just one type, the automobile. Considering that a full quarter of Pittsburgh households do not even own a car, there are a huge number of people that depend on (or simply want to safely use) other modes to get to their job, the grocery store, and to have fun. Complete Streets aims to make sure that all modes are considered in the design and construction of our streets, so that residents have multiple convenient choices on how to transport themselves and their families, reducing their dependence on an expensive automobile and saving us all from the problems of too many cars on the road.

About a year ago, Mayor Peduto issued a Complete Streets Executive Order (EO). The EO basically directed the City’s staff to make decisions about their day-to-day work with a “Complete Streets policy and framework” in mind. For example, if the Department of Public Works is planning a street plowing program, they should also be thinking about City-owned sidewalks as well. The EO also went on to say that the City needs to institutionalize Complete Streets into the review and design of our public rights-of-way.

The City began this process in December of 2015 with an incredibly well attended public meeting explaining that the City wants to enshrine Complete Streets into law, with an ordinance that would change the zoning code. Like other things in the code, the ordinance would kick in due to certain triggers (which have not yet been announced), like say, a new development project or a road re-design. Often, these policies follow a “fix it first” approach, and not require a retrofit of existing streets, unless the code is triggered.

Your input needed

After months of drafts and stakeholder engagement, the Department of City Planning is now opening up the text of the new policy for public comment.

Please join the City at the South Side Market House for an update on the Complete Streets process, Q&A session, and directions for how to provide your input on the policy.

Thursday, July 7 at 6 PM – 8 PM
Southside Market House, 1 Bedford Square
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15203
facebook event page

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